Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our (almost) nine month old Cardinal!

A lot has changed in the Blankenship household since I last posted. As you can see, our precious little boy been growing...and growing...and growing. Daddy could not have been any happier when Brooks got a package in the mail from Shrampa (Hall) recently that had this Cardinals shirt and hat in it. When Adam opened the package, you would have lot we won the lottery!

Over the week of Memorial day, Adam and I took our first trip without the baby. We went to St. Thomas in the Carribean and had a wonderful time. Knowing the Great Grandma Blankenship and Grammy were back home taking care of Brooks for the week helped us to enjoy ourselves even more. Thank you SOOOOOO much for taking such good care of Brooks. He misses you both every single day! When we returned home, we didn't get to our house until about 1 am. Grammy and Brooks were sleeping, but the signs and balloons below (and of course the NIPS) were waiting for us. This was such a sweet idea!

The balloons were in the shape of flip-flops:)

This pic was taken at breakfast the morning after we returned. Brooks was so happy to see Daddy! (And, Mommy too of course)

Adam brought Brooks back a plastic pirate ship for bath time. He loves it...especially chewing on the pirate's hat!

All the pics below were of our trip...

Deep thoughts...by Adam Blankenship (while eating at a restaurant on the beach).

Below is the baths at Virgin Gourda. Adam chartered us a boat one day to take us around wherever we wanted to go. We went to St. John, Tortola, and the Virgin Gourda. It was amazing!

Again, thank you so much to Grammy and Great Grandma for watching Brooks. Although it was very hard to be away from him, knowing you were there made things better. And, thank you for the videos that you took every day while we were gone. That way, we truly didn't miss a day. We love you and will forever be grateful!

We've been home now for about a week and a half, and we can't believe how much Brooks is changing. He is such a smiley baby! As you can see below, he definitely knows how to cheese it up:)

The next two were at Man and the Hat (the Japanese Restaurant where they cook the food in front of you). Brooks thought that was pretty neat!

He started crawling just two days ago on Sunday. He only took a few real "crawls", but he definitely pulls himself all over the room. Sunday was a busy day...that's the day we noticed that he was getting his first tooth...finally.

He loves to help mommy with the laundry...

As you can see, we are enjoying every single day of watching Brooks grow. He has such a sweet little personality, and it is so much fun to watch him learn new things. He started saying Da Da when he sees Adam, and he definitely seems to know where mommy is...not to mention Shocker and Tiger. From his head to his feet (below), our son is a daily blessing in our lives up here in Michigan!!!

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