Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bye Bye Great Grandpa Blankenship :(

Well, another day has passed and our little guy is changing with each moment that passes. It is amazing to me how different he seems to be each today. Yesterday, I think he found his hands because he would hold them in front of his face and just stare at them. I truly have had a hard time putting down the camera because I don't want to miss a single new expression. The pictures below are all taken after breastfeeding. We like to joke that he goes into a "milk coma."
Also, he almost slept through the night and he isn't even two weeks old yet! He woke up one time for one hour and ate like a champ and went right back to sleep. I even called the Pediatrician to make sure this was ok because it was so unexpected. She laughed at me and said as long as he is eating very well and is pacified when he wakes in the morning, there is nothing to worry about. Can you get more pacified than this...? (see below)

Grammy has been spoiling us rotten ever since we came home from the hospital on Friday. She has prepared home cooked meals every night. We couldn't be more grateful for this! Over a week of hospital food gets really old really quick. Of course, she announced Brooks' arrival on the pig from the moment we arrived home....such a precious family tradition! I thought I would include a few pictures of our new kitchen below.

Yesterday was the day we had to say goodbye to Great Grandpa and send him back to California, Missouri. We were very sad, but as you can see, Brooks and Grandpa got in some special one on one bonding before he left.

Grandpa has sure made fun of mommy and Grammy because we started using flash cards for Brooks and putting him in front of Baby Einstein DVDs. He doesn't think this will do much good at this age. But, hey, you never know. He sure stared at them with wide eyes. Mommy thinks he is going to be a little genius.

This is where Brooks usually hangs out while I am working on the blog. He sure loves his car seat and even spends a little time in it at home.

Brooks went out on his second outing yesterday. This time, we took Grandma Jody to the beauty shop to get her hair done. I dressed him in the very first outfit I ever bought him for this outing. Actually, the day after I found out he was a boy on the sonogram, my mom and I went shopping and I bought him a few more than just this outfit. But, this was the first. We brought it home and Adam wasn't thrilled. He said, "Courtney, HE IS A BOY." I guess he didn't think that the word "chenillie" needed to be a word that could describe any of his son's clothes. But, boy did he look adorable or what?

Finally, yesterday was filled with many more smiles. I just can't get over how wide he smiles. Some people say it is just gas, but I don't think so. If I smile real big and laugh with him, he will smile right back. He also smiles when you sing to him. Like I said...a little genius in the making.

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