Monday, September 22, 2008

Brooks' first outing

It has been another exciting day in Michigan, and we have many pictures to prove it! Of course, I have had my camera attached to my hip so as to not miss a single new expression or sound coming from our baby boy. This morning, Grandma Jody put Brooks down on top of the quilt that was given to him from Grandpa Duane with the "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" poem on it. Then, she went and got a picture of Grandpa Duane to lay beside him. He looked so peaceful lying beside his Grandpa. And, as you can see from the picture, at one point, he reached out to the picture with both hands. It was so special! It is so hard to think that Grandpa Duane will not meet Brooks in this life, but we know that he is watching over Brooks from above each and
every day.

It was time for bath number two today and Brooks did MUCH better. I took the space heater into the bathroon and closed all of the doors for a few minutes before the bath. So, when I went in to bathe him it was quite warm. He didn't let out a single cry! Needless to say, we won't be having any more baths without preheating the bathroom with the space heater.

After our bath, we went out on our first outing. Mommy, Grammy, Grandma Jody, Grandpa Eddie, and Brooks went to lunch at Bayside (a restaurant right on the lake looking over the water). It was a beautiful day with perfect weather. Thanks to cousin Stephanie, Brooks has one pair of socks that actually fit his feet...his MIZZOU socks. There couldn't be a better way to be decked out for his first outing into the outside world! He did great at lunch. He slept most of the time until he had a dirty diaper and let mommy know about it! I changed my first diaper in a public restroom. Not the best experience, but we made it through together.
Grandma Jody and Grandpa Eddie spent the rest of the day planting in our yard. Adam had trees and shrubs and mulch delivered to the house yesterday. I know it is hard to believe, but the Great Grandparents wound up doing most of the work. Grandpa also finished building a work bench that my dad and him started yesterday before dad went back to Kansas. By this evening, they were both limping around a little and sore from head to toe. Grandpa leaves tomorrow to head back to Missouri, and I'm sure he is a little excited to get a few moments rest! We will miss him terribly!!!
The rest of the day for Brooks was spent smiling, sleeping, and eating. He smiles so much! You would almost think he is going to burst out laughing at some point. He is so precious, and each moment with him is a blessing that cannot be described.

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