As you will see from the pictures below, August has been full of smiles and laughter. However, it has definitely been full of it's share of ups and downs. I have been pretty down with morning sickness (which seems to be improving over the past week...keep your fingers crossed). But, that hasn't kept our little guy from enjoying each day. He is such a happy baby...we are so blessed! We did have our first trip to the ER this month with a fall out of a shopping cart...I don't know who was shook up more, Mommy or Brooks. But, all is well. Brooks is in to absolutely everything, but with baby gates up and cabinet locks in place...I think we're well prepared. Of course, we are preparing for a big birthday in September. I can't believe it has been a year since we brought our little one home from the hospital! It goes by too fast! Anyways, below are a few pictures that I thought would be fun to share. We miss you all and can't wait to see some of you for the big party here in Michigan:)
We broke down and let Brooks try out his birthday present from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa a little early...an authentic John Deere wagon. As you can tell, he approves.

Daddy and Brooks time:)

We broke down and let Brooks try out his birthday present from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa a little early...an authentic John Deere wagon. As you can tell, he approves.

Daddy and Brooks time:)

Learning to walk...